High Quality Education Is Our Priority.

At Academic Discoveries, LLC we believe all educational systems can successfully achieve their individual and systemic goals when high quality education is implemented comprehensively and effectively. Our vision is to become an organization’s first choice to ensure core competencies in instructional and leadership practices, resulting in consistent improvement in student performance.

Program Review/Audits

Academic Discoveries has done program reviews/audits for: special education departments, interventions for specific disabilities, general education curriculum, preschool programming, transition programming, and on staffing ratios to support special education.

Academic Discoveries has completed audits for:  circuit breaker reimbursement claims, financial costs for special education programming, and special education portions of re-regionalization studies

Leadership Institutions

This year-long institute aims to enhance the expertise of experienced Special Education Administrators. It involves seminars, group discussions, coaching, and hands-on projects to tackle complex issues. Participants will focus on using data analysis to drive systemic change, improving relationships between administration, school staff, families, and communities. They will also assess their district's implementation of inclusive practices outlined in the Educator Effectiveness Guidebook.


Academic Discoveries provides consultation to school leadership: individual administrators, serving as a coach or mentor, special education leadership, building-based administration, central-office administration.

Academic Discoveries provides consultation to educators:  co-teaching, building a culture of resiliency, working as teams, pedagogical practices to support all learners.


Academic Discoveries offers high-quality recruiting practices for administrative positions, including director of special education directors, business managers, building-based administration, and curriculum directors.  

Academic Discoveries partners with districts in creating equitable practices to support hiring procedures and protocols.


Academic Discoveries offers workshops for paraeducators, educators, administration, and parents.  Please register for the workshop that interests you:

Title IX Investigations

AD is a certified Title IX investigator, providing objective investigations to support your schools.  The organization maintains updated practices to ensure the latest procedures and protocols are implemented in the investigation process. 

Upcoming Events

Academic Discoveries is certified through:

Massachusetts SDO (Supplier Diversity Office),

Federal WBE (Women’s Business Enterprise), and

DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) pre-approved vendor for special education.

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